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Hidden Signs You’re Trapped In A Mediocre Existence

Hidden Signs You’re Trapped In A Mediocre Existence 😳

Aug 28, 2024

Hello dear Shiny Minds!😍

As I launched my last coaching certification cohorts of 2024 this week, I felt this incredible feeling of bliss, joy and gratitude inside.🙏

I always say, this work found me and chose me as I was searching for my purpose in life.

I had  no clue what I was going to and how I was going to do it, when I took the leap of faith back in 2010, left my comfortable life in Istanbul in search for my cosmic life across the globe in Los Angeles.

My journey was full of struggles, challenges, pain and fear; but is was also full of fun, growth, expansion, unlearning and learning and at the same time. As all journeys are...

But the difference is, I found my purpose and became ONE with it.

And I am super grateful for my life, my why, for who I've become now. Always evolving...💜

Having said all that, my question to you today is, are you living a life of purpose or merely going through the motions?

Self-actualization, the pinnacle of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, is about living with intention and maximizing your potential.

If you're feeling stuck or unfulfilled, it might be a sign that you're trapped in a mediocre existence.

Here are four key indicators:

1. Reactivity

Do you find yourself constantly defending or attacking in conversations?

This reactive behavior might stem from unresolved issues and a sense of entitlement.

It's a sign that you're not living authentically.


2. Denial

Are you avoiding confronting uncomfortable truths or ignoring the signs that it's time for a change?

Denial can prevent you from embracing opportunities for growth and fulfillment.


3. Unfulfillment

If you're consistently feeling empty or dissatisfied, despite your efforts, it's a clear indication that you're not living up to your full potential.


4. Victim Mentality

Do you often see yourself as a victim of circumstances, powerless to change your situation?

This mindset can hinder your ability to take control of your life and achieve your goals.


Remember, self-actualization is not a destination but a journey.

It's about continuous growth, learning, and self-discovery.

By recognizing the signs of a mediocre existence and taking proactive steps, you can break free from the cycle and start living a more fulfilling life.

Let’s keep sharing the wisdom and enlightenment and growing our #ShinyMinds together. ✨
Made with love ❤️ for a better world with more #love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds in it...

by Shiny Burcu Unsal 


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