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➡️ Mastering Inner Team Building: ✍️ A Guide to Personal Leadership

Aug 07, 2024

Hello dear Shiny Minds!😍

Today, let's explore an intriguing topic: “How To Build Your Inner Team”. 🤝
Your inner team consists of the various parts of you that speak to you, guide you, and sometimes even conflict with each other.
By understanding and harmonizing these parts, you can create a more supportive and motivated inner environment.
Ready to meet your inner team?
Let's get started!


Everything you do and say is always being watched, analyzed, and written down by your inner watcher.
This person on the team watches over your life and gives you advice and thoughts whenever you need them.
As you make choices and act, the watcher helps you stay aware of them.



You're always being criticized by yourself.
It always finds flaws in you and pushes you to do better by focusing on what could go wrong.
This part can be tough and demanding, but it's meant to keep you safe by showing you possible problems.
But it's important to balance the voice of the judge with kindness and understanding.



Uncover the grateful person inside you to find love and thanks in your life.
This part of you sees the good and beautiful in every moment, which makes you feel content and happy.
Heart science says that feelings like love, appreciation, and thanks are very strong and can even help the body heal itself.



The thing that drives and encourages you is your inner cheerleader.
This part of you is happy for your wins, no matter how small, and keeps you going.
The cheerleader makes you feel good and keeps you motivated to reach your goals.



The part of you that makes you question and worry is the confuser.
It makes you doubt your skills and choices, which are often affected by what other people opinion (OPOs).
This part can be hard, but it also makes you think about things from different points of view.
For inner harmony, you need to teach the person who causes confusion to look for clarity and trust.


Who Makes the Decision?

How do you decide what to do when all these forces are inside you?
Being conscious, or conscious knowledge, is like having a boss inside of you.
It talks to all the parts, looks at what they say, and then makes decisions that will help you reach your goals.
Your consciousness makes sure that all of these parts are heard and balanced, so you can make decisions that are well-informed and peaceful.



Building and managing your inner team involves recognizing and harmonizing these different parts of yourself.
By doing so, you create a supportive and motivated inner environment that helps you achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life.

If you found this post helpful, please share it with others to spread the knowledge.


Remember, your life is a beautiful game that you can play on your own terms successfully and joyfully.
Find your true potential and grow into the person you were supposed to be so that we can make this a better place with more love and shiny minds. 🌟

Made with love ❤️ for a better world with more #love ❤️ and #ShinyMinds in it...

by Shiny Burcu Unsal ✨


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