NLP & Coach Double Certification Training In Istanbul
Aug 11, 2022Academy of Neuro-Shine Technology™️ proudly presents the latest Certified Neuro-Shine Technology Coaches™️!
They are the World’s Only ICF Accredited Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™️ & Richard Bandler Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming®️ Double Certification Training Program Graduates!🎓 These beautiful souls have studied NLP and Coaching with many different perspectives, including Quantum Physics, Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, etc. for 7 full days in Istanbul!
They practiced their NLP & Coaching Skills with each other in our training sessions.
- They learned how and why to ask questions.
- They learned to empower themselves and others.
- They revolutionized their life by just changing the way they think.
- They got rid of their limiting beliefs.
- They learned how to bust their assumptions.
- They are now different / better versions of themselves.
We created an amazing transformation with many people who came not knowing what they were here for, they came ready for change and they came willing to create the Change.
They added some willingness and together we multiplied the awareness and willingness and we created their change together! ❤️
Why I Created The Neuro-Shine Technology™?
When we communicate we don't feel safe, seen, heard, or appreciated which creates mental, emotional, social, professional, and financial problems and we could actually solve this problem. If we know how to communicate more effectively, if we have the tools necessary to change our language patterns and change how we communicate with ourselves and others, then we can co-create a better world together.
That's why I created Neuro-Shine Technology, the technology for truth. When we speak our truth, when we come from our heart, combine the power of the mind and the wisdom of the heart, then we get to maximize our potential we can tap into our truth, and then we can experience our core self.
10 Disciplines Of Neuro-Shine Technology™
Neuro-Shine Technology combines 10 different disciplines and it is an amazing blend of
1. Neuro-Linguistic Programming
2. Neuroscience
3. Metaphysics
4. Quantum Physics
5. Cosmology
6. Positive Psychology
7. Heart Science
8. Emotional Intelligence
9. Leadership Communication Strategies
10. Advanced Coaching Skills
With these skills, people leave with a ton of knowledge and it is impossible not to change because they have NLP tools, coaching tools, all coaching skills, and communication tools, and with that, they are not only able to change the part that they want to change but they're also able to go out and make their difference in the world.
If you would like to learn more about my ICF Accredited & Richard Bandler Licensed NLP & Coaching Double Certification Training programs and to receive FREE Training, please visit: https://www.ShinyUnsal.com/
I hope you get to become one of these people really soon. 🥰
I look forward to seeing you in one of my trainings.
Till then, keep shining!
Shiny Burcu Unsal
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