You Are Free to Be, Live and Believe Anything You Want!
Sep 06, 2016Hello everyone!
First of all, I would like to thank you for joining me and welcome you to my Shiny* & Happy :) world of Be-Live in U!
My heart’s purpose is to revolutionize the way we think about ourselves and about the life we live. You might be wondering how will I achieve that, because that is a big audacious statement, I know. But, I have got some real magic in my pocket for you! It’s called NLP! Not only that, I have got other magical mind technologies that I have been learning from the best in the world; like Tony Robbins, Dr. Richard Bandler (the genius behind NLP) and the world's most prestigious institution, Harvard Business School.
And for that purpose, I created Be-Live in U. It was a magical day of 1/1/11 that I created my brand, which was my message that I wanted to share with the world. It was only after 3 NLP trainings and my studies on metaphysics and spirituality that I had changed my life completely from a lost soul in Istanbul/Turkey into a powerful lady who named herself Shiny*! :)
I will be sharing more about WHY I changed my name to Shiny* and HOW I changed my life completely in my next emails, but for now, let me start by sharing this video with you, so that it might also inspire you to change anything you want in your life!
So go ahead and enjoy the video and start following your DREAMS!
Be-Live in U and Let Your Power Shine Out!
XOXO, The Shiny One
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